Saturday Jun 10, 2023

Conversations in the Head and the Root of Anger

What exactly is the 4th and 5th dimension?  How does this tie into conversations in the head?  How do we affect our subconscious on a daily basis?  What do dreams reveal about this?   Kayne and Luke discover these topics as we go deep into the intricacies of the 3D as it relates to the 4D and 5D.  If you are unconsciously having conversations in your head,  we discuss how that 4D activity translates to unconscious 5D dreaming.  Again,  the goal for us is to become conscious in the 5D to start experiencing in a higher way.  All of this work begins in the 3 & 4D realms to which we master presence and consciousness.  

How can retrospection open the minds eye?  Meditating on the daily activities using the minds eye effortlessly to view.  Luke explains how this opened a conscious doorway from the 4D to the 5D.  It wasn't really about the understanding of the day, although you do notice times of unconsciousness,  more about holding the minds eye for a long period of time effortlessly.  Luke explains success with this technique instead of trying to hold an object in the minds eye that may create effort on the meditator's part.  Practicing viewing the movie of your day also promotes subconscious cleaning,  thus promoting a more conscious dream/astral experience at night.

The root of anger.  When did it start?  Kayne explains in detail his dreamwork in which he got very angry unconsciously.  He was shown something deep within himself and talks about how we dissolve what we see.  Was an ego dissolved?  Applying gratitude to the experience and not reacting led him to asking for more to be revealed.  He discovered in the very same night in the next dream, that as a little boy anger crept in while playing with a train.  The very observation without reaction after waking was the cleansing moment.  The moment grace steps in.


Perfecting the being

It is what dreams reveal

The root of wrath

From a boy's first deal


The work of the divine mother

Gratitude take the stage

Grace steps in

The being to gauge

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